About Us
We're new and we're tiny little spawn in the big bad river of marketing and data. Don't be fooled though, whilst the business is new, the experience is vast. Between us, we're old hands at client relationship management, many types of marketing media and data data data.
We're still learning though, the world isn't standing still and waiting for us to catch up, so we're keeping our fingers on the pulse (as they say) and we're working on some new and some tried and tested ideas to help feed you the quality of product you need to stay in touch with your ever-changing audience.
The chances are that by 2014 it's more likely you'll be reading this from a smartphone than a computer. The chances are that by 2014, we'll have had to change this website completely anyway, just to keep your mind occupied long enough for you to finish this sentence.
We know this much and we know a whole lot more about how to engage with your audience, be it potential donors and customers, or existing ones you'd like help developing relationships with.
We're new and we're tiny, but we're not to be underestimated.
Drop us a line on 08 435 235 245 or click through to our Contact us page, we'd love to hear from you.
One Love
Ta-Da Media! Ltd.